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Le coin du Doc


My friends of Montcalm, I dedicate this message to you.In these very difficult times we are living, it’s a pleasure for me to think of you.I am often animated by the momentum of positivism that our projects generate;it is even stronger today. These projects are like a lighthouse: it guides throughthe storm.Obviously, they are very secondary given the current circumstances, but still:they help me to keep hope, taste for life, strength to fight. And that, I want toshare it with you.




Take care of yourself and your loved ones, apply the health recommendations ...but do not forget to continue to live, to hope as much as to desire.Because we will live and we hope, then we will fight: together we know thateverything is possible, because that’s the Montcalm Spirit!Let us be responsible, united and fraternal and we will grow out of it.See you soon my Friends.

The Doctansolidaire.


My friends trail runners, the Doc thinks of you!


In charge of coordinating rescue services for the events organized by Cap Montcalm, I am a general practitioner and sports doctor (# University of Medicine of Toulouse in RANGUEIL) and also "young" ultra-trailer, which will probably influence my speech.

The trail can put great strain to our body but we can prepare for it in order to avoid certain traps.

To help you in this, I'm going to write a series of articles on injury prevention and promotion of sport for health. I will illustrate my point with an interview, sometimes with a person who is a reference in the discipline, sometimes with a professional on the subject.

For Cap Montcalm.

Dr Fabrice DREUX



Welcome to this new section #lecoinduDoc


The trailer’s foot.

#The Izard's Foot.


What trailer has never dreamed of having the feet of this plantigrade, icon of our mountains? Without a doubt: "the one who does not know this animal".

Who has never heard: "Does he/she have a steady foot"?

This element is innate only for the horned goat which descends as well as it climbs the rocky screes. For us humans, who wants to have it, must acquire it!

Pied Nahuel PASERAT

But between doing and undoing, there is only one step. This part of our anatomy must receive special attention. Even if it is hidden under sneakers and socks, it counts for a lot on the sensations of the moment, the performances and the memories of a hike.


Don't we say in France “Il ou elle est bête comme ses pieds” which means: "He/she is an absolute fool "?

Don’t worry, I’m not going to show you that part of our brain is hiding in our feet. However, if our brain does not take care with clairvoyance and anticipation of our feet, it would be a big mistake!

The feet require attention and preparation. Your training prepares your calves well, the same goes for the feet. Before your outings, you will take care to check the condition of your feet and for example, to ensure the correct length of your nails. Once your shoes are removed, you will make an inventory: wounds? blisters? Heated or burned areas? hematomas under a nail? … and you’ll provide care accordingly. You will sympathize with a sports podiatrist who will be as useful in preventive as in curative mode. You will see your doctor for skin infections (fungal intertrigo, whitlow, etc.), persistent joint or tendon pain (beyond 15 days of development, apart from trauma).

Pied Nahuel PASERAT

You will pay appropriate attention to the choice of your shoes and socks. Again, the advice of a professional is never superfluous. Their characteristics vary according to your morphology and your program. You will test them for validation and for running-in (we even say "break your sneakers"), especially in view of an ultra-trail.


If with all this good advice, you finally manage to get a kick, so much the better but be careful not to make too much noise, it could disturb the izards.

And let your feet lead you where your mind guides you!

The Doctambule.